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load shedding (為防電站超載而實行的)分區停電。

load water line

The improved load shedding strategy ant its calculation algorithm which are applied to the reliability assessment of ieee - rts power system . from the calculation results , the correctness of them has been verified . at the same time , the engineering practicality of the model has been verified by the reliability assessment of qinan power network 論文改進并應用負荷削減策略,提出相應的計算方法,并將其應用于ieee - rts系統,計算結果驗證了該方法的正確性;同時將其應用于綦南電網的可靠性評估,證實了該方法的工程實用性。

To solve the problem of load shedding about continuous query network in which has multiple input and output data streams and terminated with an aggregate operator , we studied the load - shedding technology and propose the algorithm 針對以聚合類查詢操作為結尾,包含多條輸入數據流,多查詢結果的連續查詢網絡的降載問題,對load - shedding技術進行研究,提出了基于分支路徑分析的load - shedding算法。

Load shedding load shedding is the process by which the total load on a paralleling system is reduced , on overload of the system bus , so that the most critical loads continue to be provided with reliable electrical service 卸載在超載的系統母排上,并聯系統的總負載被降低的過程稱為卸載,以確保最關鍵負載獲得可靠的電力供應。

In addition , we prove that load shedding is not affected during the process of reallocation . both synthetic and real data are used in our experiments , and the results show the promise of our strategies 另外,由于數據流經常是爆發性的且數據特征可能隨時變化,當輸入流速超過系統處理能力時,系統會產生過載且性能下降。

The effects of lateral pressure and plate buckling mode are taken into account . when the tripping taking place , average stress - strain curves begin load shedding according to empirical formula 主要區別在于所用的單元性能曲線有所不同,以及對初始變形、殘余應力和側向載荷等影響因素的處理方法也各不相同。

The optimal emergency generator tripping and load shedding measures based on corrected transient energy function ( ctef ) method are proposed in this paper which aim to prevent cascading outages 研究了基于修正的暫態能量函數的最佳切機和切負荷計算新方法。

Software - practice and experience , mar . 1994 , 24 : 327 - 336 . 13 han d , xiao c , zhou r et al . load shedding for window joins over data streams 分別采用了窗口計數器預估數組和頻率數組來維護相應統計信息,并在實際中使用樹狀數組取代頻率數組以提高計算效率

The dispersion of dynamic frequency in complicated system is one of reasons which lead the unsatisfactory performance of under frequency load shedding device 而復雜系統動態頻率的時空分散性正是導致低頻減載裝置動作不令人滿意的原因之一。

Hong kong university of science and technology , 2003 . 10 tatbul n , cetintemel u , zdonik s et al . load shedding in a data stream manager 比如一個包含服務電話號碼的web頁面短時間內的訪問量非常大的時候,我們推斷電話咨詢的人也會馬上增加。

Turbine rotor raising character while load shedding is resulted in governor system and over - speed protection control system together 機組甩負荷后轉子的飛升特性是由調節系統和opc共同作用的結果。

In addition , curves of energy margin ( em ) calculated at different load shedding show the numerical relation between em and shedding power 研究了修正能量函數裕度與切負荷量的相互關系。

When electricity net goes wrong , the load of electricity net is goes down . turbine goes in load shedding condition 當電網發生故障時,電網負荷將下降,發生甩負荷狀況。

Optimal emergency tripping and load shedding evaluation using ctef approach on power system in guangdong 基于修正能量函數的廣東電網最佳穩措控制算法

We address several load shedding techniques over sliding window joins 數據流滑動窗口連接的卸載技術研究

An inquiry into the action of low frequency load shedding equipment 關于低頻減載裝置動作的探究